DC Queer Studies Symposium
Friday, April 17, 2015 – ALL DAY
Tawes Hall, University of Maryland
RAMZI FAWAZ, “Stepford Wives and Female Men: The Radical Differences of Female Replicants"
SHANTÉ PARADIGM SMALLS, “Superheroes, Queerness, and Anti-Blackness: Storm, Django, and Michael Brown”
Plenary: Friday, April 17, 2015; 3-4:30pm at Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes Hall
JUANA MARÍA RODRÍGUEZ, "Feeling Queerly, Knowing Otherwise"
Keynote: Friday, April 17, 2015: 5pm at Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes Hall
Masha Gessen's Maya Brin Residency will take place from April 16-25 at UMD, with public events and a conference. The Maya Brin Residency brings leading Russian scholars, artists, or cultural figures to UMD.
>Monday 4/20: 4:00 pm McKeldin Library: book talk
>Wednesday, 4/22: Public Lecture (ULRICH RECITAL HALL)
>Friday, 4/24: Conference on Freedom of Speech in Russia.
Tuesday 21 April– Not today, not tomorrow
• READ: Wekker, Chapters 1 & 2
• HANDOUT: the Learning Analysis: how to do it.
• WIKIPEDIA INFO: Attachment Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_theory

Politics of Attachment Conference: http://asca.uva.nl/conferences/politics-of-attachment/politics-of-attachment.html
Interview with Wekker: https://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/november2009/journals/CRGS%20Wekker.pdf
Wekker Emeritus at Utrecht:
Wekker is a social and cultural anthropologist (MA: UVA 1981, PHD: UCLA 1991), specializing in Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, African American Studies and Caribbean Studies. Wekker has held the Aletta (IIAV)-chair on Gender and Ethnicity at the Faculty of the Arts of Utrecht University since 2001. She is the coordinator of the one-year MA programme "Comparative Women's Studies in Culture and Politics" as well as the director of GEM, the expertise center on Gender, Ethnicity and Multiculturality in higher education at Utrecht University.
Tuesday 28 April– Multiplicitous Self
• READ: Wekker, Chapters 3 & 4
We take up again our work of noting surprises and charting their implications for our assumptions, the work of othering and attachment, and how to honor what we partially understand. How will the Learning Analysis document these processes?
Tuesday 5 May– Sexuality on the Move
• READ: Finish Wekker, Chapters 5 & 6
What does Wekker want us to experience in this book? How do we compare it to the experiences other course materials have set up for us? How might we look at all of these in the multiple timeframes, non-linear connections, and entangled meanings of lesbians and more?
On our last day we will share with each other our thoughts on how what we know has changed during our time together.
Think-Pair-Share: pick one: give 3 reasons:
=Why do we end the class with an intensive reading of The Politics of Passion?
=Katie asked colleagues in women’s studies for recommendations: why did they recommend this book in particular do you think?
Share in groups of three:
=then each group is assigned one of these to investigate and report back on in light of what folks have come up with in the whole class:
1) Who is Wekker? Interview and websites; what do you learn not in the book?
2) What happened at the Politics of Attachment conference? What events there can you connect to the issues we are exploring in this last experience set of the course?
3) What is Attachment Theory and how might it matter to a course on Lesbian Communities?
4) What does Wekker say about her sexual relationship with her informant? What is her argument for how to engage sexually in an ethical way?
1) values writing exercise: what is this? see TAB: write values
2) CONTINUE WITH READING OF AFTERGLOW: go around room and read out loud. Think of it as a poem and just let the words flow, as with a freewrite, let your thoughts wander and connect and be semi-conscious.
3) SHARE HANDOUTS: Nyong’o on Subject; Joseph on Community; Rodríguez on Latino, Latina, Latin@ from Burgett & Mendler, eds. 2014 (2nd ed). Keywords for American Cultural Studies. NYU.
=read in groups and report back on what jumps out at you. May include questions about Workshop as well
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