• Queer Speculations & Lesbian Kin: analyze a text with tools from the LGBT lecture series
<Workshop 2, Tuesday 14 April>
“Queer Speculations & Lesbian Kin” is inspired by the multi-year UMD LGBT program’s Spring lecture series and the Queer Studies Symposium. This year’s Thirteenth Annual Series’ theme is Queer Speculations. “What if? And what then? The time and space of gender, sexuality, race, and empire are shaped by acts of speculation…that invent, theorize, imagine, and enact different kinds of worlds…. This year’s lecture series invites you to join discussions about the speculation about queer bodies, objects, feelings, pasts, futures, utopias, dystopias, and transformations….” More information about the series online here: http://lgbts.umd.edu/lectureseries.html
For our Queer Speculations & Lesbian Kin workshop you will create either a ten-page paper (with enough handouts for each member of the class: 22 folks) or a research poster (and document it with digital pics): which one determined by lot in class 24 February. (If you did one for workshop 1 you will do the other for workshop 2.) You may work on these individually or with a collaborator.
For each of these possibilities you will explore class readings and LGBT lecture series presentations together carefully, and chose which text to analyze with the tools from particular lectures and discussion.
EITHER • a chapter of Rodríguez’ book, OR • an article you choose from either Transgender Studies Quarterly OR Sinister Wisdom at any point in their publication history.
Whichever text you choose, you will explicitly discuss HOW YOU USE the tools, perspective, methods, lens, ideas you glean from the presentation or lecture of one of the two people presenting as part of the LGBT Series in March, before our workshop convenes.
You will attend at least one of these events in order to note the concerns, themes, understandings, and approaches of EITHER Tavia Nyong’o (two possible events to go to) OR Miranda Joseph. (If for any reason you cannot attend one of these events, you will need to talk to Katie about the extra work required to substitute one of the author visits to our class.)
Reminders and What to do!
=Is your name on paper, handouts, hard copy digital pics to hand in?
=Did you bring enough handouts for everyone in the class (22) and one to use for display?
=Did you bring hardcopy of Logbook2 to hand in today, with any notes or explanations?
=Did you bring tape or anything needed to create your display space? cords for laptops if using?
As soon as you arrive:
=SIGN IN on either Paper Sheet or Poster Sheet (two different ones).
=Begin set up of display spot as soon as you have signed in
=Fill out a display FORM and put it by your paper or poster in your display spot: KATIE WILL GIVE YOU NUMBER TO USE IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL. One number per PROJECT even if two authors.
=Pick up a NOTES sheet packet for your interactions during first and second sessions and to guide discussion after the break
As soon as everyone has set up their display space and coordinated with any collaborators:
=We will begin with 12 mins of silent inspection
=Go around and look at everything set up, write down information on your notes sheets for each project: number, names, titles, books used, etc.
Katie will assign equal numbers of papers and posters to each session, and tell you which session you will present in. About half the class looks at the work of the other half in Session 1, then we switch for Session 2.
>>SESSION 1: 30 mins! so be expeditious in interactions and notes: you need to examine around 10 projects in this timeframe!
Immediately followed by
>>SESSION 2: 30 mins! again be expeditious in interactions and notes: you need to examine around 10 projects in this timeframe!
>>QUICK BREAK! 10 mins only! return to class and prepare for discussion.
>>FOLLOWUP DISCUSSION after interactions with others about projects. This is the heart of the Workshop! EVERYONE SHOULD TALK! use your notes to be as specific as possible in our work to create a great forum for discussion!
=Tell others what you liked most about their project: BE SPECIFIC!
=Talk about what you learned that you did not know until you saw the work of others! This can include HOW TO DO something, such as great poster ideas you see now, and ANALYSES you have had shared. Again, be specific!
=Ask questions! What more do you want to consider now? Ask for specific feedback on things you tried out in display or analysis and ask others how well it worked.
=Consider if you want to revise, add, redraft anything on your work before turning in electronically on Friday. Ask others for suggestions or ideas.
• Everything must be in final finished state on Tuesday to display, but you are allowed to revise one more time before turning things in electronically by Friday.
• Send to katiekin@gmail.com , use filename yrlastname 494 paper2 or poster2. Please number pics if more than one. Use this subject header too: yrlastname 494 workshop2
Remember we discussed in class why we use these filenames and subject headers: downloaded files will display on computer in last name alphabetical order and can be search for by name, class, and which workshop. Similarly, gmail handles attachments best so Katie can archive your materials and nothing will be lost. Subject header allows Katie to search by your last name, the class, the item when referring to your stuff for discussion with you, final grades, and so on. [NOTE: katiekin, not katiekinG! the second will go to the wrong person!]
• @ 4:01: 9 mins: set up: create your space with handout as place holder; decide who will be displaying in each session
• @ 4:10-4:25: 15 mins: everyone silently looks at the handouts, makes notes about the title of the paper, author, other identifying info for feedback
• @ 4:25-4:55: 30 + mins: session 1: half display, half wander and interact with all displays
• @ 4:55-5:25: 30 + mins: session 2: switch
• brief break 10 mins around 5:30
• @ 5:40-6:30: last 45 or so mins of class for discussion and thoughts
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