Tuesday 31 March – Afterglows? <ENSZER VISITS AGAIN>
• READ: Finish Lesbians & Exile issue of Sinister Wisdom
• EXAMINE AND BEGIN TO READ: Rodríquez book. Read Acknowledgments and Introduction, and the last part “Afterglow.” What can you say about the book having done this?
Enszer will visit again and will talk more about Sinister Wisdom. You should be in the thick of your plans for and drafts of your work for Workshop 2 now. What we do today should be invaluable for your projects!
Bring partially done work to share with others!!
MIRANDA JOSEPH, "Investing in the Cruel Entrepreneurial University"
> Wednesday, April 1, 2015; 5pm at Marie Mount Hall 1400
Bring questions and ideas to share and ask Julie Enszer about! Remember Sinister Wisdom is one of the possible "texts" to analyze for Workshop 2!
=How will you decide on texts? They should be worth a thorough analysis, with material that is not immediately obvious! if you want to work with short texts then use several and group them together. Being able to choose something worth this kind of attention is a pivotal part of the assignment for evaluation and care!
=what opens up areas of life you never noticed before
=what makes you emotional and excited and changes your mind
=what connects things you never noticed could be connected before
MAKE NEW KNOWLEDGE! don't recycle things you already know: do something that makes you think differently!
=How will you approach talks from the angle of finding tools? or points of view, other new ways of seeing and understanding something? Use surprise as a clue! Notice this means telling the difference between something you just didn't know, content, and having your assumptions or concerns turned around! Being able to identify such tools is the other pivotal part of Workshop 2 projects!
So note what turns your ideas around in an important way! That is the new knowledge you take from the talk and use as a way into a text with an importance to you!
And be sure to notice that somewhere in your paper or poster you need to explicitly talk about how you identified your tool/s and why the text you are working with is important!
Work in drafts with your class partner and perhaps also a collaborator!! meet together several times to figure out tools and texts, to share writing and thinking, to do a final edit before the Workshop itself! Your work should be of a quality that shows you have done this.
You know how workshops work now, how posters are made, how to share your paper in an interactive format, and how to reflect on these experiences. LEVEL UP! now you know that, make this project especially exciting, for yourself and for all of us!
Worried how to get going? Freewriting is a good way to start! http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/freewrite.html
How do you identify tools in a talk? Sharing notes and discussing what you hadn't known with others, not just content, but ways of thinking! Think of it as a puzzle or game or journey or a sport or a piece of music you are just learning!
ASK BIG QUESTIONS AS YOU LISTEN AND LATER AS YOU REVIEW YOUR NOTES AND DISCUSS WITH OTHERS! "Why is this central to work in LGBT studies? How does this open up ways to experience the world?" https://sites.google.com/site/reflection4learning/why-reflect
Worried how to get going? Freewriting is a good way to start! http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/freewrite.html
How do you identify tools in a talk? Sharing notes and discussing what you hadn't known with others, not just content, but ways of thinking! Think of it as a puzzle or game or journey or a sport or a piece of music you are just learning!
ASK BIG QUESTIONS AS YOU LISTEN AND LATER AS YOU REVIEW YOUR NOTES AND DISCUSS WITH OTHERS! "Why is this central to work in LGBT studies? How does this open up ways to experience the world?" https://sites.google.com/site/reflection4learning/why-reflect
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