



graded assignments: paper, poster, learning analysis, logbook, prototyping

Five kinds of assignments are required in this class:
• a research paper with visual handout for workshop display (enough handout print-outs for all in class), • a research poster for workshop display, documented with digital pictures (hardcopy in class, electronic to be emailed), • a final learning analysis, • a logbook, • some techno-crafty prototyping activities, some done during class

The first three: paper, poster, learning analysis, allow you to position the work for the class in various frameworks, or knowledge worlds. In each of these you will work on research, analysis, and critical thinking. Some of this will be in traditional academic forms, some in emerging scholarly practices, but it is possible to combine these also with techno-crafty delights. And papers and poster projects may be be done with partners or individually, as you choose.

The logbook will help you organize your projects: when you started them, how many drafts you completed, who you worked with, where you are in what you have done, and what still needs to be done. It will be turned in four times during the semester (the first just to figure out how it works), and you won’t get credit for any assignments until the final version is turned in on the last day of class with the final version of the learning analysis. You can download a template for the logbook soon. The link will be here.

Prototyping activities will help shift our attention and practice in this two and half hour weekly class. They introduce you to multimodal learning, what some call “flipping the class” or how to include “making” as a kind of learning. We will be making both posters and websites. If you are new to making the kind of posters that enhance critical thinking and cognitive skills, or want some ideas about how to craft them well, see the wonderful slideshow by Leeann Hunter here:  If you have never made a website, you might start off with a Blogger version:  Blogger is what I use for the class website. I use Weebly for my professional website: Both of these are very simple. Or you might like to build a site on Word Press:  If you have already begun crafting websites, pick your favorite platform for something new, or enhance what you already have going with projects from our course. A fun site with easy tools for all kinds of web prototyping activities you will find here:

Twice during the semester we will have a week of class workshoping. During part of that time paper and poster assignments will be presented poster conference style. That means that some people will be presenting their work in various parts of the room, all at the same time, while other class members wander around the room, interacting with them as they discuss their projects. Katie will also wander around, giving folks immediate feedback on their work. After we spend time doing this, we will move into collective discussion and engagement all together.

For each workshop you will do either a paper or a poster. Which one you will do when will be determined by lot. You cannot get full credit for either assignment until after you also present them in the workshop sessions, and participate in follow-ups. In other words, just the written paper or the poster does not in itself complete the assignment. If an emergency or illness kept you from participation that week, to get full credit you will have to meet with three other students to share your work and their work outside class, and write up the experience and what you learned from it to complete the participation portion of that grade. SO DO NOT MAKE OTHER PLANS FOR THOSE DAYS: BUILD THEM CAREFULLY INTO YOUR SCHEDULE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM! Put them into your logbook from the beginning so that attending them will always be at the forefront of your term plans. This is also true of the final day of class, when you discuss your learning analysis with everyone else. Full credit for the learning analysis also requires attendance and participation on that last day.

Summary of assignments:
·       Logbooks: 4, last one must be turned in to get any credit for the course
·       Prototypes: we will be experimenting a lot.... posters and websites are some of the experiments
·       Workshop 1: research poster & pics or paper & handout; attendance: 1/3 grade
·       Workshop 2: research poster & pics or paper & handout; attendance: 1/3 grade
·       Final Learning Analysis & attendance: with logbooks & prototypes all together: 1/3 grade

Wondering how grades are determined? What they mean on your projects?

•  A work is excellent, unusually creative and/or analytically striking
•  B is fine work of high quality, though not as skilled, ambitious, or carefully crafted as A
•  C is average work fulfilling the assignment; may be hasty, drafted or prototyped only once, showing difficulties with grammar, spelling, word choice, abilities to organize project
•  D work is below average or incomplete; shows many difficulties or cannot follow instructions
•  F work is not sufficient to pass; unwillingness to do the work, or so many difficulties unable to complete

For more discussion of each grade, with an eye to written work especially, see this Google Doc, which is linked on our class website:

Remember, you can always talk to Katie about grades and your evaluation concerns during office hours anytime. But also note that you are expected to be learning how to evaluate your own work and to put it into perspective with the work of others, learning from seeing what others do. This means learning how to motivate and understand your own work, not depending solely on what others tell you to do, or how they judge it. And always remember: don’t eat the menu (grades) instead of the meal (learning)!


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